Hurriyet Daily News
Monday, July 12, 2010
Novroz İlgun
Turkey and Brazil took action when Washington failed to find a solution either alone or through the assistance of the international community
12 iyul 2010, 14:3615:58
July 7, 2010
By George Friedman
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited some interesting spots over the July 4 weekend. Her itinerary included Poland and Ukraine, both intriguing choices in light of the recent Obama-Medvedev talks in...
07 iyul 2010, 15:5814:14
The Washington Post
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
BAKU, Azerbaijan -- BP's embattled chief executive on Tuesday visited oil-rich Azerbaijan in a bid to assuage fears that his company
06 iyul 2010, 14:1413:18
World Politics Review
6 JUL 2010
Hillary Clinton's inclusion of Azerbaijan in her current round of diplomatic visits, which also included stops in Poland and Geor
06 iyul 2010, 13:1812:55
Today's Zaman
06 July, 2010
US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton appealed to Azerbaijan and Armenia for a peaceful resolution of a long-running territorial dispute between the neighboring ex-Soviet states, but there were no...
06 iyul 2010, 12:5516:31
01 July 2010
What are the principle features of Azerbaijan's foreign policy? Azerbaijan seeks to establish cooperative, symbiotic relations with both its neighboring countries and the international community. An important objective of our foreign...
01 iyul 2010, 16:3112:34
Balkans Business News
The prospects of the 1.5 billion euro ($1.8 billion) Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) project, designed to carry Azeri natural gas to Europe, received a boost this month from an agreement between Turkey and Azerbaijan, a senior...
01 iyul 2010, 12:3415:08
Hurriyet Daily News
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Vusala Mahirgizi
The new natural gas deal signed between Turkey and Azerbaijan on June 7 necessitated the new stage of the relations between the two bro
30 iyun 2010, 15:0812:36
June 30, 2010
by Shahin Abbasov
US support for Azerbaijan in its Nagorno-Karabakh negotiations with Armenia will most likely prove the price for any agreements on other issues made during US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s July...
30 iyun 2010, 12:3612:30
Hurriyet Daily News
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The U.S. policy of encouraging Turkish-Armenian reconciliation at the cost of alienating Azerbaijan is a mistake, according to an energy expert who focuses on the region.
Washington is now...
30 iyun 2010, 12:3015:13
Hurriyet Daily News
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Azerbaijan's election legislation has greatly improved, but much remains to be done, according to the Council of Europe's legislation experts. The president of the Venice Commission, Gianni Buquicchio, and...
29 iyun 2010, 15:1312:30
June 28, 2010
With ongoing instability in Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan’s role as a logistics point for US and NATO operations in Afghanistan could take on heightened importance, military and political experts in Baku believe. A recent visit by US...
28 iyun 2010, 12:30